Does this topic cause Confusion?

District and Campus Administrators

Ever heard this statement? “That is about as clear as mud.”

Rights of LGBTQ+ students and the safety of all students can be a balancing act for Districts. We have updated our Res.LGBTQ+ Student Rights with the latest news, but we continue to watch for changes and will update as needed. The document is not meant to be legal advice, but instead, it contains the information we know today based on various laws and court cases. We hope this adds some clarity, but remember each situation should be viewed individually and the District’s attorney consulted when needed.

Professional School Counselors

A student shares that they are struggling with gender identity. What do you do or how do you respond?

Counselors deal with very different issues than administrators: What is my role? What about confidentiality? How do I talk to students? How do I talk to parents? What are good resources to share? How does my ethical code address this? TxSP hopes the section that we have prepared for our subscribers will help answer some of those questions.